Saturday, May 14, 2005

sleep insomniac, sleep

it's 2:40 in the am of yesterday's tomorrow, er, today. i'm as awake if not more than i was at 9am yesterday morning. listening to itunes mixes,thinking about the stuff i'll do in a few hours. i don't have to go to work and i could use the sleep, but,what good is wasting the hours away with my eyes closed? when you are an independent, improvisational single guy with a computer you sometimes will find yourself typing your thoughts out at 2:40 in the morning; as i am right now. having my own blog and being able to broadcast my thoughts to at least one =) reader is cool if not downright sweet. am i still on the sugar high from those 2 cherry cokes i downed? wow. it sure doesn't take much now, does it? but, lo, i my bed calls to me. and my pillow does whisper enticingly. i must and will respond now. i loathe the hours i have lost. in vain! in vain! the clock does not wait for me, it does not wait. run on time! run on! oh, that i had but one second to be at peace...

1 comment:

Dave said...

Josh, there are more than one reader of your very interesting blog. Keep it up man, love you, brotha.