Thursday, September 11, 2008

on this day...

...we remember something that bit at the very core of our being. and a tear may still sting in our eye. somehow we were all intrinsically connected to the events that took place 7 years ago to this day. i can still remember vividly where i was and maybe you can too. without saying what has already been said i feel the need to write something on this day called 9/11. our president has coined this day patriots day but i see it in anther light. in some way- good or bad- ordinary humans did extraordinary things and true identities were revealed. modern america had real enemies and we had real heros. today- i pray that those who still feel the hurting bite at the memory of a lost friend or family member lost or the wringing anguish at the sight of the falling towers in the blur of september 11th are comforted.we must also remember this: God's ways are not our ways. somehow, while we still cannot see it, God wroughts his purpose in the fires of our greatest conflicts and pain to produce in us something better; something greater. i hope that we continually grow stronger in the face of evil that intended to weaken and by doing so forge a greater legacy for our children who will inherit all that we have to offer. -josh conti

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