Tuesday, August 12, 2008

meant to be broken, perhaps (part one)

there is a door at my work that per the rules i am not supposed to use, save for an emergency.

my shift started at 6am this morning, so naturally theres the tendency to be tired... at 845am this morning i decided to take a walk to wake myself up.

the door i am not supposed to use is much more convienent to go out of from where i am at then the main door which i should use. i decided this morning to take my chances and depart from the former door since i didnt feel like using the latter. assuming my role as a modern workforce ninja, i scoped out the area and stealthily slipped out the door i am not supposed to use. quietly doing my best to avoid two managers on their smoke break; i headed for the freedom of the parking lots.

seconds later i ran into a disabled co-worker trying to get our of her car as the handicap spots had been taken up. i was more than happy to assist. and i got to wondering- if i hadn't broken the rules she would have been late to work and not had the help she needed. so we arrive at today's thought: are some rules actually meant to be broken?

to this is i answer: yes. if you're a police officer reading this- this does not mean i drive over the speed (all the time)...

one of my greatest heros is brother andrew (read his book God's Smuggler if you have the chance) who drove a vw beetle across the iron curtain into the territories of the USSR during the post WWII era through the cold war days to smuggle countless numbers of bibles to the underground churches there. the communist powers that be had one big glaring "rule": no bibles.
brother andrew recognized that the christians caught behind the iron curtain had one need: bibles.
his prayer at the border crossings? "Lord you made blind eyes to see, now make seeing eyes blind." a wonderfully short and to the point prayer of faith. and God listens. many times soldiers would tear apart his car to no avail but the bibles clearly sitting in the trunk on on the back seat would make it through and on to the home churches that needed the written word of God.

some rules are meant to be broken. its a gray line and more will need to be discussed. stay tuned for part 2!

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