Friday, August 08, 2008

there's no time like no time

as i was punching my way through morning rush hour traffic, i passed by a man with several signs spray-painted with "wake up america" and other types of slogans. here was somebody who had the time on a friday morning at 8:53 am to make a stand for his cause. wake up america? i didn't have time to wake up. let alone do anything for a cause... i was just trying to make it work on time.
eveyone has a cause; something they want to bring to the forefront of the world's attention. i have several but i dont have the time to sit by the highway and hold spray painted signs proclaiming how i feel.
we have as many hours in the day as anyone ever had at any time in history and somehow we never have time to do anything. yet we have so much to do. and what we have to do is something that we dont want to do- like work or driving or paying bills, etc.
last night there was an amazing lighting storm going on over the river near my house (pictures will be posted soon). instead of most nights where i would admire it for second then go back to the computer or tv, i actually went outside and took in the show. wait- i had time to do something i love to do? yep. the time was there all along, i just had to adjust my priorities.
where is all this going you might ask? keep up with me here for one second =)
our no time for our cause or the things we want to do is due to our priority system. luke 16:3 says "You cannot be the slave of two masters! You will like one more than the other or be more loyal to one than the other. You cannot serve both God and money (CEV)." i think i might be prioritizing the wrong master.
let's pull this all together...
today i passed by a guy who was making his voice and ideas known while i was rushing on my way to almost being late to work. i wished i had the time to do the same (maybe not in the same way). i realized that we all have the same time in the day to do the things we want or need to do and that what we do is based on our priorities. no time? we have all the time we need. we might just be serving the wrong master.


Anonymous said...

Wow man. Thanks for the great word. One of my mentors said, "There's always enough time to do God's will." Interesting, because often I think we feel like God's will is impossible or too lengthy a pursuit. Bottom line, when He commissions us, he also empowers us and prepares a fail-free strategy with an accompanying time-line. Great writing. Thanks again. Stay high and dry during the storm. See you guys this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

God always leads our steps according to His will and purposes. If He wants you to be somewhere at some specific time, you'll be there. If you are stuck in traffic or something, and you get upset about it, relax and know that everything happens for a reason. Think about it; if you weren't stuck in traffic, maybe you would have gotten in an accident, God forbid. So trust God with your time.

Anonymous said...

dear anonymous: while you make a great point, trusting God with my time was not the thread in this blog. I was expounding on the fact that we must be responsible for the time we have. the master we serve will ultimately be the recipient of the time we are given. Since we are the only living beings gifted with a conscience, we have the ability (I believe) to follow or go against God's will. While in the general scheme of things God's will always prevails, we still are able to rebel against it. i could be held up in traffic for a purpose- but i could still let my anger get the better of me and smash my car into the car ahead of me in extreme impatience.