Friday, June 03, 2005

apologetic exerpt

i mourn the loss of conscience in today's modern world. there is nary a person found now who, if disturbed by guilt, will own up to being wrong I.E. when someone says something hurtful then tries to laugh it off or refuses to acknowledge what was said made impact.{ i am sometimes that person- so i am not being self-righteous here.} for me, though, if i do utter something hurtful 9 times from 10 i will recognize the inner spark of guilt and conscience; and ask forgiveness. what if we were to all do this 10 times out of 10? could doing this affect and effect the world around us? what if we would take responsibilty for our every action rather than sueing and blaming others for our mistakes? what if we were to apologize even if it fatally wounds our pride? i know i would love to keep my pride intact if i had the choice and the choice i do have! every day i fight to make the choice to own up to my mistakes... to ask God and man for forgiveness when i err.

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