Monday, November 24, 2008

a true story - chapter one

instead of my normal blog entries- i have opted to change pattern and compose a short fictional story. i need to stretch my mind and take my writing for a brisk jog. you are welcome to come join me as i exercise...

A True Story by Joshua Conti
Chapter One

summer solstice had passed. because of 20th century school schedules conflicting with 20th century farmer's harvests, his normal sunset blissed commute home was now committed in the dark.
night and day take on their own unique forms and daytime's was the one he knew well. night was another animal altogether.
the main road leading out from his parking space was possessed by college students tearing hellbent in foreign build sedan-turned-street-racers towards a unknown destinations, unafraid of death or old ladies in lincoln town cars.
during the day, he could easily spot them from a quarter mile away in another lane, but at night they could elude him completely. at the second intersection on the main road, he knew to count to 8 seconds after the left turn light sparked green before lurching forward as 20 of these cars could easily run the opposing left turn light's angry red glow. and all this only happened at night.

To Be Continued...

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