here is a list i put up on my facebook of 25 things you might not want to know about me (or might want to know). either way- here they are.
1. i can't fight the feeling that someday i could either go deaf or blind; as a result i have taught myself how to tell my clothes apart by touch only and i have memorized how each note sounds on a piano and can play said piano in complete darkness.
2. i met my wife on myspace. i would never take it back =) but dont try this at home.
3. i think i am the most boring person in the world so im surprised when people laugh with me.
4. i will help you out and put 180 percent of me into it, but if you dont return even just 10 percent i will still help you if you need it again.
5. i was born south of boston and lived there for almost 20 years of my life. if i had a really good reason to return to new england i would. there is nothing like spring and fall up north.
6. i have so many interests going at once that i dont even notice my ADD.
7. if i was invited to a u2 concert and a yo-yo ma concert being held on the same date- i would take the yo-yo ma concert.i love u2 but cello is my all time favourite instrument-i get goosebumps just listening to it.
8. i sometimes wish i had grown up in England. im alittle bit of an anglophile. i spell color "colour" and favorite "favourite". i love fish and chips and the beatles. winston churchill is my homeboy. cs lewis is my hero. etc.
9. 8 years ago i told God i would never move to Florida. ever. 2009 marks my 6th year in florida. learn your lesson kids!
10. i love japanese and samurai arts and culture. calligraphy art is amazingly simple and beautiful.
11. i can identify just about any aircraft manufactured from 1930 and on. it stems from my obsession with aviation since age 10.
12. i always find my wife the most beautiful when she is feeling the most unkempt.
13. i hate crowds. its why i have never been inside disney and why i dont like midways. and its one reason why i got into being a live sound tech: i didnt have to be in the crowd.
14. i eat conspiracy theories for breakfast. ask me about anything and i'll have a conspiracy theory for it. but i dont buy into any of that area 51 crap at all. its military airplanes. get over it people.
15. i almost joined the air force and the coast guard but i chickened out.
16. my and my wife have talked, texted or emailed each other every single day since we first met, with the exception of only one day and i love her like crazy.
17. i know how to solve the financial crisis but i know i will never be taken seriously. i know alot of things i just never say them cus i never feel like people care to take me seriously.
18. the things people tell i am really good at and ask me to do alot of are the things that get really boring to me really fast.
19. give me a yamaha grand piano to play on a windy bluff in cape cod overlooking the cold atlantic ocean on a cool, gray day with seagulls calling all around and i would be content.
20. i know i'm wierd and i embrace it with all i am. i have a nerd alert sign above my desk at work.
21. i went to romania for 10 days and it took a part of my heart when i left. i will always consider it my second home and im planning on going back somehow, someday.
22. im a scared procrastinator. i owe alot to alot of people for kicking me out of my corner and helping me get to where i am today. you know who you are! thank you.
23. if i could direct my dream movie jerry bruckheimer, quentin tarantino, tom hanks and steven speilberg would produce, hans zimmer and howard shore would compose the soundtrack; denzel washington, bruce willis, brad pitt, scarlet johannsen, natalie portman, laurence fishburne, steve carell and lauren graham would star. the title of this movie? "trepidation".
24. i sometimes feel like i dont deserve my wife or all the things in my possession. was i a monk in a former life? no. all i know is i owe everything in my life to God's limitless grace.
25. i almost died in the hospital at age 2 due to my asthma which i no longer have. great way to finish this thing up, isnt it? =)
26. i estimate all numbers i need to calculate. that said there may only be 25 on this list so #26 is just in case.